Mental with Order

Why Failure is Success in Disguise

Tha TreeHouz Season 1 Episode 6

Today we are diving deep into the world of failure. Lette Weaver discusses how to have a winners mentality while also embracing adversity. She will help you shift your perspective on what it means to fail and succeed. In order to succeed, you must first fail. This is a truth that continues to ring true today. Get encouraged and uplifted as you to strive for greatness. Tune in now. 

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Speaker 1:

New blessing, new lessons, new money, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to another episode of the raisin vibe at the Treehouse podcast. Now, today we are unpacking the benefits of failure. We're gonna learn why failure is really just assessing disguise. We will fall in love with failure and view the ELs of life as lessons and blessings going forward. Let's vibe. Now, as I discussed in our last episode, the fear of failure comes alongside the fear of death and the fear of public speaking. Now you are not alone in this field failure, but with a few mental tweaks, you can begin to see failure as a blessing analyst in which, in terms leads, failure to be success in disguise. In today's episode, we're gonna learn how to embrace adversity. We're going to analyze our failures and learn from we're also going to condition our minds to believe that it's not over until you win. Having a winning mindset is one that brushes out failure and keeps you striving for greatness. And I believe you listening can adapt this mindset through the power of the words that's spoken on this show. Now, with that being said, I'm your host led Weaver, and I truly care about your mental wellbeing. We can be positive lights in this world around us. And my goal with this episode is to open new doors of thoughts and truths that lead to transformation. I thank you for joining me before we move forward. I gotta ask you these important questions today. Have you failed at something to the point it made you give up? Have you struggled to take a chance because of the consequences of failure? Are you unsure of which path would lead to the most success?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Well you, me, us let's talk Michael Jordan. One of the most successful men in basketball players of our time has a quote that, uh, that'll give you goosebumps. Now the greatest NBA player of our time has said this I've missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games, 26 times. I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that's why I succeed. Now. The truth found in this quote should give everyone the confidence that they need to take. The shot. Failure is none to feel. It is the necessary occurrence to get you to the greatest level of success. You learn more from failure than you learn from winning champions around the world can testify that winning feels better after frequent failure. The victory tastes sweeter when you've had your face down in the mud on more than one occasion, there's always an opportunity to take most shots in this life. And I encourage everyone listening to accept this as truth and move in a way that accepts failures as a necessary occurrence to get to the other side of success. Now we're told from a young age, or at least I was told from a young age, that failure is the opposite of success. So we navigate through life, eliminating our possibilities of failure and being fearful of what might happen if we don't achieve what we set out to do. Like we don't ask people out on dates because we're afraid of rejection. Like we don't start that business that we've always dreamed of because we're scared. It might not be successful. We don't go after the promotion that we want because we don't want the risk of being told no, our pride for sales, our pride for sales ego. It don't like to admit that we fail. And understandably we don't like the feeling that comes from not reaching our goals. The ones who are able to weather the storm, fight through the failure and keep their goals in motion are the ones that make it. They may have endured an emotional roller coaster, but their story ends up being one of great redemption because failure is a necessary step to reach success. I think we can all agree that we waste so much of our time, our energy making decisions to try and avoid failure. But what if we flip the script and divert that energy into going after what we want instead without the fear hanging over our heads. That's a powerful question. I ask you one thing that I, that I always say to myself when the fear failure pops in my head is Yeah, but what's the worst that can happen. We often feel that fear is this huge immense beast. That's impossible to come back from. But most of the time, it's really not. Most of the time, all that happens is that it affects our ego. It affects our confidence. But if going after what you want means you might achieve your goals. Then I think it's the risk worth taking don't you failure. It forces us to improve, adapt, find new solutions and think outside the box. It teaches us what works, what doesn't work, what we're good at, what we're not good at. It also teaches us perseverance and patience. And all of the most successful people in the world have experienced failure in some shape or form James Dyson. Y'all heard of him. Well, it took him over 5,000 attempts to create a vacuum cleaner bro, 5,000. Now imagine if he giving up after the first hundred, he learned from every single failure, he applied his learnings to his next model, persisted, and eventually ended up with one of the biggest household brands in the world. The vacuum cleaner. I don't know what I do without one. Cause I refuse to be sweeping carpet. You got to be crazy, But that didn't happen by chance. It happened because he failed quite literally thousands of times. And eventually things all clicked into place and his hard work paid off success. Isn't something that happens overnight. It's something that requires time

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And dedication. Failure is just a necessary part of that. Some of your biggest lessons in life will come from your mistakes. And it's important to remember that. Especially if things aren't going your way, you need failure in order to grow. So rather than ignoring your failures embrace,'em open your eyes and see what you can learn and apply in the future. These failures, they often time open up new doors of opportunity, too, lessons and blessings failure. Isn't final. It just forces you to divert down a different path and you never know. The final destination may just be significantly better than the one you initially had in mind analyzing why you failed can lead to a real transformation of your approach to success. It's been said, failure is simply the opportunity to begin again. This time more intelligently discouragement and failure are two of sure stepping stones to success. Let me repeat that. Discouragement and failure are two of the most sures stepping stones to success there. Carnegie said that, and I like to give you some practical tips and guidance that you can apply to your own walk towards success. One embrace adversity. This is your chance to set yourself apart from the masses of people that don't want it as bad as you so many people fail and give up. But if you embrace this adversity, you are already further ahead than the average belt. Use it to grow your mental muscles and become better in the process. Two, Analyze your failures, ask yourself why you, you failed to achieve your goal. Was it a lack of effort or the wrong strategies? How can you do better next time, reflect on your LS and figure out a better way to get to the Ws. This process is required and it's practiced by all successful people. Three, it's not over until you win. Keep chasing your dreams no matter how much failure and adversity you might encounter. Keep believing in your dream and adapt to feedback until you make it be fluid and flexible with the strategies you use, but not with the goals you pursue, never give up on your dreams and you will land closer to them than you think. Fall shift your perspective instead of telling yourself. But what if I fail ask yourself, but what if I succeed and get everything I want, visualize success, speak positive words over your life and be your most authentic self in this process. This is going to attract the right people that will elevate your chances of success and limit your future failures. I conclude this with we are all human and react with emotion. We have the tendency to remain in our comfort zone and this prevents us from striving for ultimate greatness. We fear failure and the judgment of others. We are hard on ourselves and limit ourselves on what we can do in this life. But you are built different and will have a micro joinin mentality about life and let the chips fall where they may look. I personally encourage you to apply the words that's been spoken on this podcast and dig deep within yourself and decide if you are willing to feel in order to succeed, because this is the only path to success. It's a long bumpy road and there comes a time in everyone's life when they have to either step out of their comfort zone and take a chance or be complacent with their lives. Well on this show, my, I always push you to be better, not only better in your own life, but in the lives of others, be a light bro. The darkness hates the light and the good news is the light will attract Mo light good vibes, bring out Mo good vibes. And as you might have heard, this is raising vibes at the Treehouse and I hope you enjoy vibing with me today. Take what you learned and use the truth that hit home to transform the way you think. Yep. I'm super grateful. You decided to join me today and I hope you consider subscribing to the show and even sharing with some friends who could use a positive message to start or week inspire others with a quick show. Thank.

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