Mental with Order

Expanding Your Comfort Zone

July 20, 2022 Tha TreeHouz Season 1 Episode 5

 Today, Lette's get you out of your comfort zone with some powerful truths that you can apply to your life TODAY! Lette Weaver hits you with some gut-wrenching quotes all while opening your mind to the reality of achieving success. There's a risk in taking NO risk and we can’t let the fear of sticking out keep us from playing the game. Lette's help you get out of your own way. Come vibe @ Tha TreeHouz. 

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Speaker 1:

New blessing, new lessons, new money. Welcome to another episode of the raisin vibes at the Treehouse podcast. Now, today we're gonna unpack the benefits of expanding our comfort zones. I'm gonna give you practical advice that you can apply to your life, to get you on the path that will bring you the most success. Now, this right here is one of my favorite episodes today, and I'm confident that if they're applied, they could drastically transform your life. Let's dive in. Now, how many times have you heard someone say, go to college and get a good job? This is something that has been programmed in us and preached to us since we were kids stepping out of your comfort zone is what separates you from everyone else. It's not the easiest path, but it's by far the most rewarding for those of you who don't know, I'm your host, let Weaver and I truly care about your mental wellbeing. We can all be positive lights in this world around us. And my goal with this episode is to open new doors of thoughts and truths that lead to transformation. I thank you for joining me today. And before we move forward, I gotta ask you these important questions. Have you struggled to expand your, your horizons and get outta your comfort zone? Are you afraid to take risks in the most important question of the all? Do you feel failure?

Speaker 2:

Yeah. Well

Speaker 1:

You, me, us let's talk now a good comedian by the name of Jerry Seinfeld. Once said sometimes the road less travel is less travel for a reason. This is valuable insight that shows just how many people are afraid to take risks. The role to success. Isn't in a straight line and it's even bumpier than you could imagine. But you have to know that these bumps are what builds character failure is what holds a lot of people back.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

On. Wait, I should rephrase that. The fear of failure holds a lot of people back. It's what keeps telling to people on the sideline. It's what keeps someone who has a brilliant world changing idea, cooped up in a little cubicle. The fear of failure is right beside the field of deaf and the field. Public speaking. It's real, it's powerful. And it prevents a lot of innovation from happening while we're on the subject of quoting famous comedians. Another legend in the world of comedy has said something so powerful that has changed the way I perceive failure. He see you feel you, he elegantly said during an acceptance speech, You can fail at what you don't want. So you might as well take a chance on doing what you love. That's a brilliant perspective, right? I mean, it's so true. You can fail your nine to five. You can get fired, you can fail and flunk out of a college that you didn't really want to attend. You could fail in a marriage that you shouldn't have never been in in the first place. At least if you fail at doing something you love, you spent all your time doing what you love. It's a powerful perspective that each and every one of us should apply to our lives. I mean, I think we can all agree that the greatest discoveries happen on the other side of taking risks. And I quote, man, cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore. This rings true. Even in this modern world that we live in today, this country is still needs innovation. It needs inventions and man's ingenuity. If we're going to remain the greatest nation in the world right now, it seems like we're lacking on the production and the manufacturing side of our goods and services, our needs they've been outsourced and our wants. They're put above all. We soon pleasure entertainment and excess luxuries, that many folks in the world don't get to enjoy. In turn. This has led to an E uh, economy that has been St in a generation of complacency. We have such an opportunity to rise up and go against the grain. And it all starts with expanding your comfort zone. Change is one of the greatest things that will ever happen to you in life. It pushes you to think differently, act differently and pursue different and endeavors. This is what success is born in the midst of chaos change and discomfort. I'm gonna tell you the truth. Great things never came from comfort zones. This is a serious issue that is going on in society. Right now. We have a lot of followers and not enough leaders, those who follow the crowd, they usually get lost in it. We are seeing that it's the core issue of the last two years. And it has led to the powers that be taking advantage of it and controlling us with fear. But the good news is moments like this. This is what legends are made. And you, my friend, you have the opportunity to set yourself up for a life worth living. Remember there is a risk that comes with not taking risk rewards are only found on the other side of risk. Why you think people dump all they savings into like the stock market. Why do you think people quit? They nine jobs to start their own businesses. Rewards are found on the other side of risk. And I asked you, are you willing to take a risk and expand your comfort zone? Now it's time for the fan favorite. This is my tips and guidance segment of the show. Now expanding your comfort zone. It could change your life in many ways. Here are three ways you will quickly see change in your life. When you start to expand your comfort zone, you will start to see that it increases your productivity when you decide to take on new challenges. And, um, when you decide to take on a new challenge and try a different approach to something familiar, you can CR you can create conditions for improving productivity by pushing your boundaries. You may get a better understanding of your true potential, and you'll feel confident in handling more responsibilities in delivering better results. Not only do you see an increase in productivity, but you'll also notice that it improves your ability to adapt, to change. As you become more adept at dealing with the unfamiliar, you are capable of staying composed and focused when new challenges presents itself, this right here, it improves your decision making ability and makes you less prone to error. Now, last but not least, it promotes growth. Regardless of the outcome, you may expand your experience acknowledge Regardless of the outcome, you may expand your experience, knowledge and skills. When you leave your comfort zone, this can lead to both professional and personal growth, which are essential tools that you need to have on your path to success. Now, here are some of the best practical tips that I can give you on how to get outta your comfort zone. Discover more about the challenge. Now first, what does it mean to get outta your comfort zone? Or what does it mean to expand your comfort zone? The more that you know about a new challenge or a situation, the less scary it becomes, you can overcome your fear of the unknown by finding out what you are getting into. Go watch a few YouTube videos, digest articles, online, read books about the topic and talk to subject experts like that can help reduce any uncertainty that you may have after collecting enough information. You'll have clearer expectations and a better knowledge. As you prepare to handle the task at hand next, you should dev devise a plan. You'll want to create an action plan to expand your boundaries. Start by identifying the major obstacles you'll encounter with this new challenge and what you'll do to overcome them. Then write'em down each step that you'll take to get out your comfort zone. Start with the easiest task. You can also, uh, create little benchmarks or mini goals to help you track your progress. Take small steps, taking in small steps outside of your comfort zone. It allows you to slowly familiarize yourself with a new situation and gain the confidence needed to achieve your goal. Divide your main goal into smaller, more manageable tasks. So it won't seem too overwhelming. Remember one brick at a time, builds the best houses. Go ahead and find you an accountability partner. When you declare your intention to get outta your comfort zone, it can help, uh, you, if you gain the support of your friends, your family,

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Start that one over. Find you an accountability partner, declaring your intention to get out of your comfort zone. It can help you gain the support you need to stick to your plan. Tell a family member, tell a friend, tell a coworker about your goal. This will keep you accountable to others, and more likely you'll stick with it. Remember to stay positive. As you try to leave and expand your comfort zone, you have to ignore or better yet overcome the negative feelings that may prevent you from achieving your goal.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

You should prepare yourself to face unfavorable situations, try to stay positive and convince yourself that you can handle any negative outcomes. See negative situations as opportunities to learn how to break free from your comfort zone. Now I'm gonna give you a little bonus to it. Keep expanding your comfort zone. It's important to continually challenge yourself, to overcomes identify other situations or tasks that make you nervous and follow my advice above to try to overcome these as well, confronting your insecurities one at a time, it will improve your ability to feel comfortable in more difficult situations. That's what expanding your comfort zone is all about improving your ability to feel comfortable in more difficult situations. This journey is everything in the destination will be rewarding on the other side of risk. I hope you enjoy those tips and I'll leave you all with this. We only get one life to live and we might as well make the best of it. Direction is more important than speed. Many are going over fast. You will be an elite company. If you decide to expand your comfort zone and do the things that make your heart beat fast and your blood pump, I believe in you. And I'm confident that you will succeed in whatever it is that you want to do in this life. Be your own fuel. Get that fire started within you when envisioning the things that you want in life. Remember the words that were spoken on today's episode, and don't let the field striking out, keep you from playing the game, bro. And remember I always be a light in the world of darkness. Good vibes, bring out more good vibes. And as you might have heard, this is raising vibes at the Treehouse, and I hope you enjoyed vibing with me today. Take what you learned today and use the truth that hit home to transform the way you think I'm super grateful. You decided to join me today. And I hope you consider subscribing to the show and even Shannon with some friends who could use a positive message to start or finish their week. This show right here is free, bro. It only calls the show. Thank you for tuning in, and I'm gonna catch a vibe with you next week.

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