Mental with Order
The place for all things Real. The intention is to awaken, enlighten, enrich and inspire. A motivational, inspirational, and self-help series that explores, pushes, and elevates the culture forward through intentional conversations. Here we are transcending limits while promoting authenticity and transformation.
Mental with Order
The Power of Positive Thinking
Today we are exploring the benefits of positive thinking and equipping you with the truths you need to transform your life and adopt this new way of thinking. We have the power to live this life in a productive and positive way and the first step in achieving this admirable way to live is to first... change your thoughts from negative to life giving. Your host, Lette Weaver, not only hits you with some divine truths, but she also sets you up on how to put into action what we learn in this episode. Listen Now.
New blessings, new lessons, new money. I'm your host, let Weaver. And we're raising vibes, head at the Treehouse. Now, today, this is my first episode. So I wanted to go ahead and explore the benefits of positive thinking and equipping you with the truths you need to transform and live this life in the best way possible. Now, we are all aware that you only get one life to live some alone. Some are short, some are happy, and some are sad. We have the power to live this life in a productive and positive way in the first step in achieving this at marble way to live is to first change your thoughts from negative to life skills. Let's dive in the culture we are living in today has done a fantastic job of victimizing people all while putting negative labels on each and every human we interact with, we glamorize things that aren't always a true substance, and we seem to seek the ideas and things that don't truly bring us joy. We have a habit as humans to think the worst about ourselves, and we are our own worst critic. Just think about a time in your life. When you saw a friend's art, listen to their music, or even watch one of them play a sport. They love one of the first things outta their mouth is usually something negative about their performance. It's like we tend to lean into our own insecurities and convince ourselves that those negative words are the truths that are attached to our lives. But once again, I'm your hoster and I truly, truly, truly care about your mental wellbeing. I figured that we could all be positive light in this world around us. So my goal with this episode is to open new doors of thoughts and truth that leads to transformation. I thank y'all for joining me. And before we move forward, I must ask you these important questions today. Have you ever struggled with negative thoughts? Have you ever tried to think positively and then feel after a few days of trials and tribulations? Have you given up on trying to control your mind and just go with the flow of life now? Yeah. Okay. Well you, me, us let's talk. All right. So we already know that there are enormous challenges in the world that we're living in today. Like in most cases, though, it's the access to information at our fingertips. That's doing us more harm than good. Like if you think about it back in the day, let's say, let's say about a hundred years ago, bad news only really happened. If your neighbor came over and told you about it, y'all know that word of mouth. And then let's say about 50 years ago, if you read the morning paper, chances are, you were reading that local paper and you were somewhat aware of the bad things happening nationally. Now, if you really sit here and you think about it, we were less connected during that time for real, for real. And once you read about that bad news, you could then just go on and go about the rest of your day. Don't that sound lovely? Like, can you imagine, like, just think about it. Like, can you imagine going to the airport today and not seeing CNN and Fox news plastered on every TV? Can you imagine that it's difficult because if we're being honest with ourselves today, we are bombarded with breaking news every few hours and it's impacting our brains in a way that's still being discovered. It's like this negative spiral y'all probably heard of it or what they call it. Uh, doom, strolling that could, it could take a toll on your mental health. They've been doing studies and studies have been linked to the conception of bad news. It's leading to increased distress, anxiety, and depression. So with that being said, if you were willing to give positive thinking or try in your life, it would be best to limit your social media. And at screen time, now I know, I know it's easier said than done, but I promise the discipline would become second nature. When you start to see the results of the way that your brain chemistry and thought patterns start improving substantially. I know in today's world, we're all about manifesting. So the law of attraction states that your thoughts create your reality. And if you wanted to type who needs a more divine truth, then Proverbs states it beautifully. When it says that death and life are in the power of the tongue and those who love it will eat its fruits. Another scripture from the book of wisdom. And this right here is my personal favorite. It says it this way, pleasant words are a honeycomb sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. This applies to the way you think. And the words you say, even Jesus himself says this in the gospel of Matthew. But the things that comes out of a person's mouth comes from the heart and these defy them. So God, your tongue, when you having one of them, little negative Nancy days, and this will not only help you, but it will help others around you to feel more positive. Even Jesus himself says this in the gospel of Matthew, but the things that come out of a person's mouth comes from the heart and these defile them. So God, your tone, when you having one of them, little negative Nancy days, and this will not only help you, but it will help others around you to feel more positive, uh, helpful way to see things in a more positive light. It is to shift your perspective, change your mindset. These words right here were spoken on a Sunday morning and they have forever stuck with me. You can't always change your circumstances, but you can always change your perspective. Have you ever encountered somebody who just needed a little perspective shift, a reminder that they are blessed, a reminder that they lives could be a whole lot worse. Have you ever had someone come and change your perspective? For example, let's say you got a flat tie on the way to work and a family member that you were telling. They say something snaring like, well, good thing gets a flat tie and not a car accident.<laugh>. Now this may be one of the most annoying things to hit the moment, but it's the truth. It is a truth. That's gonna cut at your perspective and it's going to transform the way you perceive that situation. That is unpleasant in that present moment in time. So the next time you find yourself in a little PI and a little bond, Nate, and you super bombed out and hard on yourself about it. Just remember it could always be a thousand times worse. Look at the world.<laugh> look at these last past two years in the globe dog co man, look, it could always be a thousand times worse.<laugh> what I wanna do right here, though. I want to go ahead and shift gears and give you three alls that could transform your negative thoughts into positive ones. I promise you that these are game changes and when they're applied daily, you'll start to see progress after a few weeks. Now, my first R that I wanna go ahead and talk about is recognize, recognize negative thoughts. This first step is important. It's important to figure out what your negative thoughts are about. Sometimes I admit we do just wake up on the wrong side of the bed and we don't know why. Like, can anybody relate to that? Some folks may think that knowledge and negative thoughts is like rewarding a soy child with attention for bad behavior, but getting upset and frustrated with yourself, but thinking bad things, it isn't gonna help the situation either. We gotta avoid the mistake of blocking those negative thoughts out as soon as they surface in the mind, because running from a problem is never the solution. Try to think about the situations that have caused these thoughts. Like if you find yourself thinking lowly of yourself, start contemplating what led to that thought because it could help. Is it because of some incident in your past? Is it because someone says something that put you down? Did you fail something you really wanted to succeed at? Like the point of this exercise is to understand the what and why? Because only then can you figure out how to deal with those thoughts? My second R would be to record negative thoughts, being an exam, a job interview, or self confidence issues, try to work through those worries by writing them down. When you write your thoughts down, you you'll start to understand why and where they coming from. And more often than not, you will find a solution to Susie worries all on your own. A clear mind is one that is capable of making decisions and responsible actions. In order to clutter your mind, you need to figure out exactly what's going on up there. What's outta clutter coming from what? What is it? What is it for an excellent way to start doing? This is to maintain a personal journal. Journals are great. When you want to revisit them good days and remind yourself of how to get over the bad ones. Y'all heard, uh, storms don't last forever. And it's nice to remind yourself of that truth. When you start looking back at what you once wrote about your life now, last but not least number three, my third R is to reform negative thoughts, reforming negative thoughts. It begins with re rewording them. Like let's say you moved to a new block, a new neighborhood after you lived on the same block for over 10 years. Now, the reason you move into this new block is because you need a fresh start. You just need to start over. Now at first, you are new to this place. You miss your old home and friends. You find yourself starting to think like everybody here is a stranger. I'm so lonely, bro. I just wanna go back. Now. You don't establish the what and the why, what you need to do now is reword that negative thought in a more positive light so that everyone here is a stranger. I'm so lonely. It'll become more like I miss my old friends, but I also have the chance to meet many new people, which is deep down what you really wanted to in the first place, changing that stranger to meet new people because okay, one of the things that we were taught growing up, uh, never taught to strangers, right? So if you are moving to a new place and you already saying everyone here is a stranger, you are already doing something to your subconscious mind to keep you stuck in the same place that you're already. You have to understand that a reform thought leads to action and the right action leads to the right perspective. We are all a few thought patterns away from achieving this new way of thinking. And it's lovely. I promise you, it is lovely. I'm gonna conclude this with we can't be hard on ourselves for letting our mind spiral in a negative direction. Now the world around us, it's been shaping us this way for the last few decades. And now we have the opportunity to break the cycle. There's power and positive thinking. And by that, I mean, you'll achieve more in your career. You'll do more productive things in your free time. And you'll start to see yourself in a better light. I personally encourage you to see yourself in the eyes of God, the divine, the creator, whoever it is you believe in rather than the eyes of comparison, self doubt, and false exceptions that this world has put on you. Monday affirmation stating that you are chosen to do good and be good, can go a long way in your weekly life. Speak words over your life that you hope to see, come to pass. Do you want success? Manifest it, think of how you're going to get there and what it looks like when you are there. Speak words, positive words to yourself and to others around you be a light. The dog, this hates the light and good news is the light will attract more light, good vibes, bring out more good vibes. And as you might have heard, this is raising vibes at the Treehouse. And I hope you enjoy vibing with me today. Take what you learned today and use those truths that hit home to transform the way you think. Hey, I'm super grateful. You decided to join me today. And I hope you consider subscribing to the show and even Shannon with some friends who could use a positive message to start and finish day week. Thank you for tuning in and we'll catch a vibe next week.